Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello blog world!!!

Here goes nothing. My first post and I don't know where to begin. How funny is that? Today I'm feeling quite in a fog. I think I have reached out to blog so that I feel I have a voice, because right now I certainly don't feel my voice is being heard. Feeling a strange low. I'm 40 and not depressed about that number in age. I actually feel grown up, if that isn't so strange. The past two weeks have been an obvious test of my patience and resilience. One thing after another knocking me down like large waves in the ocean of life. What frustration!!!

I named this blog the first day of the rest of my life because I feel this outlet will give me a renewed sense of self and worth and self-worth. If anybody reads this, maybe they can lend a helping hand. Isn't that what we are all on this earth for, helping each other? I also feel I can diary my life in a way that will capture my feelings as I am feeling them and not at a later time, when the true feelings fade. Traditional handwritten journals don't work for me as my penmanship is atrocious and my typing much faster. Well, off I go to the vegetable and meat market. I need some aromatherapy (meaning a nice pot of something yummy perfuming my home). Happy day all!!